I'm always interested in applying my experience to solving new and challenging problems. I've been working in interactive 3D graphics for almost 20 years now, starting with big-iron SGI systems (when 64 KByte of texture memory were an enormous advance) up to and including the latest PC graphics boards from nVidia and ATI.
Working on infrastructure has allowed to see a number of different application areas and come to understand the benefits and limitations of interactive 3D graphics.
I have given successful courses in basic 3D programming using OpenGL. These usually last for 2 or 3 days and include an introduction to 3D graphics in general and specifically OpenGL, combined with a lot of hands-on experience-building excercises. These are especially important for OpenGL, as in many cases the interaction of different components is not quite obvious and lead to the dreaded "black screen" effect. Without professional help, a developer can be stuck with a block screen for a long time... The last part of the courses is most often reserved for client-specific questions and examples, trying to get something useful based on client data on screen before the end of the course.
Being one of the core designers and principal devoloper of OpenSG® puts me in very special position when it comes to higher-level scenegraph systems and particularly OpenSG®. I am available for training or consulting on higher level scenegraph systems, preferably OpenSG® of course, and can either coordinate the development of or develop myself special extensions to or applicaitons based on the OpenSG® system.
If you need expertise in programming interactive 3D graphics, please feel free to contact me at mail@dirkreiners.com