This is a partial list of publications, please refer to my Vita for a complete list. It is extracted automaticall from Googel Scholar, so it has some issues right now. I'm working on it...
Chambers, Terrence L, Aglawe, Amit, Reiners, Dirk, White, Steven, Borst, Christoph W, Prachyabrued, Mores, Bajpayee, Abhishek: Real-time simulation for a virtual reality-based MIG welding training system in Virtual Reality, 2012
Cruz-Neira, Carolina, Reiners, Dirk, Springer, Jan P, Neumann, Carsten, Odom, Christian NS, Kehring, Kathy: An Integrated Immersive Simulator for the Dismounted Soldier in The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation \& Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2011
Steed, A, Lindeman, RW, Hutson, M, Reiners, D, Babu, SV, Grechkin, TY, Chihak, B, Ziemer, C, Kearney, JK, Cremer, JF, others: VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS in Unset, 2011
White, Steven A, Prachyabrued, Mores, Chambers, Terrence L, Borst, Christoph W, Reiners, Dirk: Low-cost simulated MIG welding for advancement in technical training in Virtual reality, 2011
Hutson, Malcolm, Reiners, Dirk: JanusVF: accurate navigation using SCAAT and virtual fiducials in Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 2011
Springer, Jan P, Neumann, Carsten, Reiners, Dirk, Cruz-Neira, Carolina: An integrated pipeline to create and experience compelling scenarios in virtual reality in IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2011
Courter, Dioselin, Springer, Jan P, Neumann, Carsten, Cruz-Neira, Carolina, Reiners, Dirk: Beyond desktop point and click: Immersive walkthrough of aerospace structures in Aerospace Conference, 2010 IEEE, 2010
White, Steven A, Reiners, Dirk, Prachyabrued, Mores, Borst, Christoph W, Chambers, Terrence L: Virtual reality welder training in IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2010
Cruz-Neira, Carolina, Reiners, Dirk, Springer, Jan P: An affordable surround-screen virtual reality display in Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2010
Steed, Anthony, Reiners, Dirk, Latoschik, Marc: Special Issue: Reflections on the Design and Implementation of Virtual Environment Systems Guest Editors' Introduction in Unset, 2010
Rhee, Jordan, Schulze, Jurgen, DeFanti, Thomas A, Mourant, Ronald R, Yin, Zhishuai, White, Steven A, Reiners, Dirk, Prachyabrued, Mores, Borst, Christoph W, Chambers, Terrence L, others: The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2010 (Proceedings Volume) in Unset, 2010
Jia, Ming, Choi, Suh-Yeon, Reiners, Dirk, Wurtele, Eve S, Dickerson, Julie A: MetNetGE: interactive views of biological networks and ontologies in BMC bioinformatics, 2010
Hutson, Malcolm, Reiners, Dirk: Using commodity accelerometers and gyroscopes to improve speed and accuracy of JanusVF in IEEE SPIE: The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2010, 2010
Odom, Christian NS, Shetty, Nikhil J, Reiners, Dirk: Ray Traced Virtual Reality in Advances in Visual Computing, 2009
El Kaissi, Muhieddine, Jia, Ming, Reiners, Dirk, Dickerson, Julie, Wuertele, Eve: Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks in Advances in Visual Computing, 2009
Steed, Anthony, Reiners, Dirk, Lindeman, Robert W: IEEE Virtual Reality 2009 in Unset, 2009
Kaissi, Muhieddine, Jia, Ming, Reiners, Dirk, Dickerson, Julie, Wuertele, Eve: Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing: Part II, 2009
Kaissi, Muhieddine, Jia, Ming, Reiners, Dirk, Dickerson, Julie, Wuertele, Eve: Visualization of Gene Regulatory Networks in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing: Part II, 2009
Lindeman, Robert W, Reiners, Dirk, Steed, Anthony: Practicing what we preach: IEEE VR 2009 virtual program committee meeting in Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 2009
Hutson, Malcolm, Reiners, Dirk: JanusVF: Adaptive Fiducial Selection in Advances in Visual Computing, 2009
White, Steven, Prachyabrued, Mores, Baghi, Dhruva, Aglawe, Amit, Reiners, Dirk, Borst, Christoph, Chambers, Terry: Virtual welder trainer in Virtual Reality Conference, 2009. VR 2009. IEEE, 2009
El Kaissi, Muhieddine, Jia, Ming, Reiners, Dirk, Dickerson, Julie, Wuertele, Eve: Visualization of Gene Regulatory Networks in Advances in Visual Computing, 2009
Latoschik, Marc Eric, Reiners, Dirk, Blach, Roland, Figueroa, Pablo, Dachselt, Raimund: SEARIS: software engineering and architectures for realtime interactive systems in Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications, 2009
Behr, Johannes, Fraunofer, IGD, Reiners, Dirk: SIGGRAPH 2008 Class Notes: Don't be a WIMP (http://www. not-for-wimps. org) in Unset, 2008
Behr, Johannes, Reiners, Dirk: Class notes: don't be a WIMP:(http://www. not-for-wimps. org) in ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 classes, 2008
Bao, Hujun, Billinghurst, Mark, Bimber, Oliver, Botsch, Mario, Chen, Min, Chrysanthou, Yiorgos, Collomosse, John, Dachsbacher, Carsten, Day, Andy M, Dorsey, Julie, others: Depto. de Engenharia Informatica, IST/UTL, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1000-049, Lisboa, Portugal, Email: jorgej@ acm. org in Computers \& Graphics, 2008
Springer, Jan P, Lux, Christopher, Reiners, Dirk, Froehlich, Bernd: Advanced multi-frame rate rendering techniques in Virtual Reality Conference, 2008. VR'08. IEEE, 2008
Paulo Santos, Luis, Reiners, Dirk, Favre, Jean: Parallel graphics and visualization in Computers \& Graphics, 2008
Lozano, Miguel, Morillo, Pedro, Lewis, Daniel, Reiners, Dirk, Cruz-Neira, Carolina: A distributed framework for scalable large-scale crowd simulation in Virtual Reality, 2007
Favre, Jean M, dos Santos, Luis Paulo, Reiners, Dirk: Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization in Unset, 2007
Reiners, Dirk, Voss, Gerrit: Climbing longs peak: the steep road to the future of OpenGL in Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 2007
Springer, Jan P, Beck, Stephan, Weiszig, Felix, Reiners, Dirk, Froehlich, Bernd: Multi-frame rate rendering and display in Virtual Reality Conference, 2007. VR'07. IEEE, 2007
Roth, Marcus, Riess, Patrick, Reiners, Dirk: Load balancing on cluster-based multi projector display systems in 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, 2006
Walter, Bryan, Sannier, Adrian, Reiners, Dirk, Oliver, James: UAV swarm control: Calculating digital pheromone fields with the GPU in The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, 2006
Roth, Marcus, Reiners, Dirk: Sorted pipeline image composition in Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2006
Reiners, Dirk: Herramientas de c{\'o}digo abierto para Entornos Virtuales: OpenSG y VRJuggler in Nov{\'a}tica: Revista de la Asociaci{\'o}n de T{\'e}cnicos de Inform{\'a}tica, 2006
Vo, Gerrit, Reiners, Dirk: Towards a flexible back-end for scenegraph-based rendering systems in Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia, 2006
Oline, Adam, Reiners, Dirk: Exploring three-dimensional visualization for intrusion detection in Visualization for Computer Security, 2005.(VizSEC 05). IEEE Workshop on, 2005
Walter, Bryan Eugene, Sannier, Adrian, Oliver, James, Reiners, Dirk: Virtual environment UAV swarm management using GPU calculated digital pheromones in Unset, 2005
Oline, Adam, Reiners, Dirk: 2005 IEEE Workshops on Visualization for Computer Security in Unset, 2005
Roth, Marcus, Voss, Gerrit, Reiners, Dirk: Multi-threading and clustering for scene graph systems in Computers \& Graphics, 2004
Reiners, Dirk: Special issue on the OpenSG symposium and OpenSG plus in Computers \& Graphics, 2004
Reiners, Dirk: Herausforderungen an moderne Szenengraphsysteme am Beispiel OpenSG in Informatik-Spektrum, 2004
Kresse, W, Reiners, D, Kn{\"o}pfle, C: Color consistency for digital multi-projector stereo display systems: the heyewall and the digital cave in Proceedings of the workshop on Virtual environments 2003, 2003
Reiners, Dirk: OpenSG: A Scene Graph System for Flexible and Efficient Realtime Rendering for Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Unset, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: A {F}lexible {T}raversal {F}ramework for {S}cenegraph {S}ystems in OpenSG 2002 Workshop, 2002
Roth, Marcus: Integration paralleler Rendering-Verfahren fuer lose gekoppelte Systeme mit OpenSG in OpenSG 2002 Workshop, 2002
Vo{\ss}, Gerrit, Behr, Johannes, Reiners, Dirk, Roth, Marcus: A {M}ulti-thread {S}afe {F}oundation for {S}cenegraphs and its {E}xtension to {C}lusters in Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2002
et al., Dirk Reiners: Beyond the Polygon Horizon: New Trends in Interactive Rendering in EG2002, 2002
Kresse, Wolfram, Reiners, Dirk: Can we trust that image? Photometric Attributes of Current Projection Systems in VR2002 Proceedings, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: Scene graph rendering in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Environments, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: Scenegraph {R}endering in VR2002 "Open Source VR" Coursenotes, 2002
Reiners, Dirk, Voss, Gerrit: OpenSG - Open Source Scene Graph in 2nd Cave Programming Workshop Coursenotes, 2002
Kresse, Wolfram, Reiners, Dirk: Can we trust that image? {P}hotometric {A}ttributes of {C}urrent {P}rojection {S}ystems in VR2002 Proceedings, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: OpenSG: A scene graph system for flexible and efficient realtime rendering for virtual and augmented reality applications in Unset, 2002
Vo{\ss}, Gerrit, Behr, Johannes, Reiners, Dirk, Roth, Marcus: A multi-thread safe foundation for scene graphs and its extension to clusters in Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2002
Reiners, Dirk, others: The Elephants and the Ants: Will Large projectors be Replaced By Many Small Ones in IPT, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: A flexible and extensible traversal framework for scenegraph systems in OpenSG Symposium, 2002
Reiners, Dirk: Open{SG} - {A} {M}odern {S}cene {G}raph for {VR} {A}pplications in Virtual Reality and its Applications in Industry (VRAI) 2002, 2002
Reiners, Dirk, Voss, Gerrit, Behr, Johannes: Open{SG} - {B}asic {C}oncepts in OpenSG 2002 Workshop, 2002
Reiners, Dirk, et al.: The {E}lephants and the {A}nts: {W}ill {L}arge {P}rojectors be {R}eplaced {B}y {M}any {S}mall {O}nes? in IPT2002, 2002
Strieker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: Augmented Reality for Exterior Construction Applications in Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augumented Reality, 2001
Klinker, Gudrun, Stricker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: Augmented reality for exterior construction applications in hand, 2001
Behr, Johannes, Froehlich, Torsten, Knoepfle, Christian, Kresse, Wolfram, Lutz, Bernd, Reiners, Dirk, Sch{\"o}ffel, Frank, Ehr, Johannes: The Digital Cathedral of Siena--Innovative Concepts for Interactive and lmmersive Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites in Unset, 2001
Behr, Johannes, Fr{\"o}hlich, Torsten, Kn{\"o}pfle, Christian, Lutz, Bernd, Reiners, Dirk, Sch{\"o}ffel, Frank, Kresse, Wolfram: The {D}igital {C}athedral of {S}iena - {I}nnovative {C}oncepts for {I}nteractive and {I}mmersive {P}resentation of {C}ultural {H}eritage {S}ites in ICCHIM 2001 Conference Proceedings, 2001
BEARDON, C, MILLS, J, WRIGHT, M, BEHR, J, FR{\"O}HLICH, T, KN{\"O}PFLE, C, KRESSE, W, LUTZ, B, REINERS, D: Bibliograf{\'\i}a especializada in Unset, 2000
Klinker, Gudrun, Stricker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: Optically based direct manipulation for augmented reality in Computers \& Graphics, 1999
Reiners, Dirk: High-{Q}uality {H}igh-{P}erformance {R}endering for {M}ulti-{S}creen {P}rojection {S}ystems in Proceedings of the 3 rd International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, 1999
Klinker, G, Stricker, D, Reiners, D: Augmented Reality-Optically based direct manipulation for augmented reality in Computers and Graphics, 1999
Stricker, Didier, Klinker, Gundrun, Reiners, Dirk: A fast and robust line-based optical tracker for augmented reality applications in Proceedings of the international workshop on Augmented reality: placing artificial objects in real scenes: placing artificial objects in real scenes, 1999
Klinker, Gudrun, Stricker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: An optically based direct manipulation interface for human-computer interaction in an augmented world in Virtual Environments 99, 1999
Klinker, Gudrun, Stricker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: Augmented Reality: A Balance Act between High Quality and Real-Time Constraints in Mixed Reality--Merging Real and Virtual Worlds, Ohmsha \& Springer Verlag, 1999
Klinker, Gudrun, Stricker, Didier, Reiners, Dirk: The use of reality models in augmented reality applications in 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-Scale Environments, 1998
Fels, Sidney, Reiners, Dirk, Mase, K.: Interactive Kaleidoscope - A Proposal of Graphical and Interactive Dance Instrument in Visual Computing, Graphics and CAD, Joint Symposium IPSJ, 1998
Reiners, Dirk, Stricker, Didier, Klinker, Gudrun, M{\"u}ller, Stefan: Augmented reality for construction tasks: doorlock assembly in Proc. IEEE and ACM IWAR, 1998
Fels, Sidney, Reiners, Dirk, Mase, K.: Iamascope: An {I}nteractive {K}aleidoscope in Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '97: The Electric Garden, 1997
Fels, Sidney, Reiners, Dirk, Mase, K.: Iamascope: An {I}nteractive {K}aleidoscope in HCI International'97, 1997
Fels, Sidney, Reiners, Dirk, Mase, Kenji, others: Iamascope: An interactive kaleidoscope in International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques: ACM SIGGRAPH 97 Visual Proceedings: The art and interdisciplinary programs of SIGGRAPH'97, 1997
Dai, Fan, Felger, Wolfgang, Fr{\"u}hauf, Thomas, G{\"o}bel, Martin, Reiners, Dirk, Zachmann, Gabriel: Virtual prototyping examples for automotive industries in Proc. Virtual Reality World, 1996
Dai, Fan, Felger, Wolfgang, Fr{\"u}hauf, Thomas, G{\"o}bel, Martin, Reiners, Dirk, Zachmann, Gabriel: Virtual {P}rototyping {E}xamples for {A}utomotive {I}ndustries in Proc. Virtual Reality World, 1996
Reiners, Dirk, others: High-quality realtime rendering for virtual environments in Unset, 1994
Reiners, Dirk: Hochqualitatives {R}ealtime-{R}endering f{\"u}r {V}irtual {E}nvironments in Unset, 1994